Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Dr. Bahr and Dr. Rodgers at the Coral Reef Ecology Lab (aka Point Lab) in October 2023
The Coral Reef and Ocean Health (CROH) research group (formerly known as the Bahr Lab) would not exist without the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Paul Jokiel. Dr. Jokiel was a giant in the field of coral reef ecology. He was the founder of the Coral Reef Ecology Lab at the Hawaiʻi Institute of Marine Biology. Over the span of his 50 year career, Dr. Jokiel was always well ahead of the times whether it was describing thermal stress in the 70s, U/V light, photo-inhibition, and dispersal in the 80s, water motion, monitoring, coral physiology, and, community metabolism in the 90’s and more recently helping us understand the impact of humanity and climate change.
Dr. Paul Jokiel provided exceptional mentoring to his students and had a meaningful and lasting contribution to marine science and all humanity by serving a cause greater than his own.
After the unexpected passing of Dr. Jokiel, Drs. Kuʻulei Rodgers and Keisha Bahr made a commitment to continued the legacy of Dr. Jokiel. This was supported by Dr. Rob Toonen, who provided resources, funding, and continued guidance and support. Together, we carry on Dr. Paul Jokiel’s legacy to serve a greater cause than our own.
Our Mission
The mission of the CROH is to continue the research legacy and lifelong goals of Dr. Paul Jokiel. We aim to contribute knowledge, tools, and solutions to our ever growing problems facing our fragile marine ecosystems, while providing exceptional training and mentorship to tomorrow’s leaders.
The Bahr Marine Ecology Lab Summer 2023 Moku o Loʻe, Hawaiʻi
The Bahr Marine Ecology Lab Summer 2022 Moku o Loʻe, Hawaiʻi
The Bahr Marine Ecology Lab Summer 2021 Moku o Loʻe, Hawaiʻi